Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4 months and 4 days

A long awaited blog entry this is. No time, no password, no energy, no password again... At least the password problem is over now, but I'm making no promisses anymore. I very much wish to be able to keep the cronicles or Romania alive, but mami is no octopus, Many things happened in the month since daddy had to leave, and not all of them were happy. I'm mainly refering to Gagi's out of the blue lung surgery of two weeks ago, and to my aunt's brain tumor diagnosis from this week. We really hope that both of them will be recovered and well at the time Gabriel will read this on his own!

As far as Gabi news are concerned, all is well: we grew a little bit more (6150 g, 65 cm on our 4th month aniversary) as everyone expected, and we have been officially diagnosed as a meteoric baby - nothing to do with cosmic energies, it just means gasy - but otherwise ultrasounds showed us all sound (pun intended). And we are getting more and more mobile and vocal everyday (a little bit of that I tried to capture in the videos below). Plus, not sure you can see in these pics, but our eyes are definitely turning brown!

Notice that I'm using the royal WE when talking about His Majesty King Chubby Grabby, the first of his name, Lord of Tzatza and Master of Screams, Greatest Mumbbler of the realm and Cutest Face Maker there is. So it is written. I will have to try to post this before mom comes up with His Majesty for the evening rutine of bath and two hours of rocking and sucking before blisful (although often vacum cleaner assisted) SLEEEEP.

Oh well, here they are, some stupid lady started calling another one louldy right near the stroler with our sleeping baby, mom reported. I hate this country, strating with the elevator doors that you have to open with two hands, and ending with the people's stupidity and insensitivity.

Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm Sure You're Wondering Why I Gathered You All Here

This is Ryan posting again for a second. I just have a couple of blog announcements. First off, I think we've figured out a way to have both me and Io posting here without it looking like we are all one person. Even though legally speaking, we are. Not that the INS cares, but I digress. Anyway, despite our very real and legally binding union, on the blog that gets confusing. Particularly for the blog software, which seems to freak out when I apparently post something from Romania and then read it from Los Angeles a minute later.

Second, I have figured out a way to enable comments even if you aren't part of the Google Hegemony. So from now on everyone is welcome to add their two cents after our posts. I assume this also works for older posts, in case you've been dying to get out that perfect comment you had months ago but were so cruelly, cruelly denied by our Google overlords.

I left my camera in Bucharest, so no photos:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Indian name: Grab-Horse, son of GRabbit

This is a post with a theme, so no narratives of the week, sorry...

For the last few days I collected visual evidence of our son's new found ability to clasp and move objects to his mouth. It is amazing how fast he learns about coordination, and how much fun he has with it. Not much to add to that, I'll let the images speak.

The question still stands, is he a lefty? If these photos are any evidence, he may very well be.

And here it is, our archived
the Chick and his Daddy
moment of Zen:

Miss you, daddy!