Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm Sure You're Wondering Why I Gathered You All Here

This is Ryan posting again for a second. I just have a couple of blog announcements. First off, I think we've figured out a way to have both me and Io posting here without it looking like we are all one person. Even though legally speaking, we are. Not that the INS cares, but I digress. Anyway, despite our very real and legally binding union, on the blog that gets confusing. Particularly for the blog software, which seems to freak out when I apparently post something from Romania and then read it from Los Angeles a minute later.

Second, I have figured out a way to enable comments even if you aren't part of the Google Hegemony. So from now on everyone is welcome to add their two cents after our posts. I assume this also works for older posts, in case you've been dying to get out that perfect comment you had months ago but were so cruelly, cruelly denied by our Google overlords.

I left my camera in Bucharest, so no photos:

1 comment:

  1. Really!!! I can haz posty commmmmmments!!!!! love, E
