Sunday, January 23, 2011

She Blinded Me

Today I embark upon two great science projects.

First, I have decided to see whether it is possible to make chocolate chip cookies in Romania. The United Nations has already determined that chocolate chip cookies are the best kind of cookies. For some reason, though, there are no chocolate chip cookies here. I assume it has something to do with the Communists, but jeez, Romania, the revolution was 22 years ago. It's time to get your bake on.

It honestly makes no sense to me how this country got McDonald's before they got chocolate chip cookies. I mean, come on. So anyway, I've had a real hankering for chocolate chip cookies and, displaying the sort of can-do American spirit that led to the invention of chocolate chip cookies in the first place, I've decided that if Romania doesn't have any, I will by God make some.

This is similar to the thought process I went through when I looked around and realized there were no kids in this apartment.

So I am heading to Auchan later today to see if I can get the stuff to make chocolate chip cookies. For science. I imagine that, in a country that doesn't have chocolate chip cookies, it might be difficult to find chocolate chips. But I think back to my brother scientists, your Issac Newton, your Galileo Galilei, your Doc Brown, and I think: would they have been stopped by lack of chocolate chips? No, they would not.

One point twenty-one gigawatts?!?

Second, I was thinking to myself, "Should I take a shower today?" Because during the winter, Romanians (like most populations that go through deep winters) don't exactly shower every day. And then I thought, Hell, I'm on vacation for six months, I could not take a shower for a month if I wanted to. And then I thought, I wonder what that would be like? And then I realized, this is probably the only time in my life I will ever be able to find out. Right? I mean, for science? So today is Day Two.

If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.

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