Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winter is Coming

The cold and snow have returned to Bucharest at last. Yesterday there was a fairly serious snowstorm, enough to keep us all pretty much cooped up in the house except for one brief foray Gagi and I took to the Auchan hipermart. A man needs his croissants, you know. Today the wind is blowing hard enough to rattle the windows. Gagi has pulled all the shades down in the living room, which I assume is to help keep the heat in but makes it feel like we are preparing for a hurricane or something.

No chance of us staying indoors today, though. Grandma's iron will has won out and we are returning her to her home in Bucharest. She and grandpa have apparently had it with this being separated business, and grandpa won't leave the house for fear it will be burglarized, so we're taking grandma back even though she's supposed to stay in a warm environment for another two weeks. And then tonight Io and I are heading out to Bucharest in search of a place where I can watch the NFC championship game. It turns out that in the metric system, "football" means some crazy game where you boot a ball around a field and can't even use your God-given hands. The NFL will let you watch coverage of the game live over the internet for the low low price of twenty five dollars a game, which seems frankly insane to me. So, we are off to find an American sports bar that will hopefully be showing the game.

For now, we are listening to the wind howling outside and enjoying our last few hours in our jammies before heading out to do battle with Romania's weather. Gagi tells me that the forests around Bucharest have mostly been cut down, so the wind comes straight down from Siberia. Awesome!

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