Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Super Effective!

If I knew how to use Photoshop, I would add in beams of light coming down from Heaven, angels blowing trumpets, etc. We finally have Gabe's birth certificate. After two months of going around and around with the Romanian government, he officially exists. This is especially good because he gets his first round of vaccinations next week, and up until now we've been paying for his medical care out of pocket because he can't get the state-funded care without a serial number.

Not much else went on the past few days, we've just been recovering from Sighisoara and getting back into our routine, and preparing for my parents' visit. They arrive later this afternoon. It's been an orgy of cleaning and cooking around here to get ready.

Gabriel is still pretty colicky. Every time I think, Well, it looks like he's getting better, it turns out that he was just having a good day or two and then he descends back into Colic Madness. My parents are bringing a supposed Miracle Colic Remedy with them, so maybe that will help, but at this point we've been through so many sure-fire, can't-miss, it-worked-for-all-my-kids colic remedies that turned out to do nothing for Gabe that I am skeptical.

Strangely, one thing that seems to help is white noise. After discovering how being on the loud part of the train quieted him down, we did a bunch of internet sleuthing and discovered that other people have had this work for them as well. So now when he gets really colicky we sit him next to a running hair dryer, and many times he quiets down. This is obviously impractical as a long-term solution but it's great for when we're at our wits' end. I also downloaded a bunch of long MP3s of things like dishwashers, washing machines, etc. (you would be amazed at what you can find on the internet). They also seem to help, but our laptop speakers aren't loud enough to combat the worst colic. Still, it's another weapon in our arsenal. Hopefully the colic stuff goes away soon, for everyone's sakes.

Moment of Zen:

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