Friday, June 17, 2011

All My Sins Is Warshed Away

Boy is it hot. Sweltering.

Now that Gabriel is a little bigger and can support his head and whatnot, he's started spending a lot of time in his baby chair, which Gagi has taken to calling "The Iron Throne." King Gabriel seems to like it.

Life in the bloc hasn't really returned to normal, though. On my end, I'm starting to get stuff ready for my return to Los Angeles in . . . just ten days, now. I'm having a hard time with the idea of leaving Gabriel. Things are difficult.

The rest of the family has been under the weather most of the last couple of days, because Tania fed everyone poison soup. Luckily for me, the soup in question was vegetable soup so I didn't have any. I explained to Gabe that this is a valuable lesson: vegetables are toxic and you shouldn't eat them.

Everyone is getting ready for Gabe's baptism, which happens tomorrow. We'll be heading out to the family homestead in Letca Noua (the village house) so that Gabriel can be baptized in the Miracle Church, and then there's a party afterwards.

At first I thought it wasn't that big a party, but as I've seen the preparations happening I'm realizing that this is going to be a huge deal. Tania took the day off work today to spend the day shopping and cooking, and the amount of food getting laid in is not consistent with a small party.

Hopefully the whole thing will go well. I'm not going to the ceremony itself, but Count Squeakula doesn't seem to mind being in water so hopefully it'll be okay. Even his colic has been more under control the last couple of days, so maybe we're finally on the downward slope with that. Time will tell.

Apparently there are a few ceremonies related to the baptism. Our godparents have to go the ceremony and give Gabe a gift of clothing for him to wear after the baptism, and then they have to come over to our place the next day to give him his first post-baptism bath.

I'll tell you one thing Gabe is not okay with, though: this toy. I have no idea why. It's a perfectly lovely toy that I bought for him a couple days ago at Auchan. When you pull its string it makes a squeaky noise and vibrates. It's cute. For some reason, every time we show it to Gabriel his face screws up into a look of horror, and he starts screaming. I honestly have no clue why. You'd think he was attacked by a green plush cat in the womb or something. Bizarre.

So tomorrow we pack up the car and all pile into it for the trip to Letca, and I get to experience another Romanian party. Fun times!

Moment of Zen:

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